Return Of the Captives

People &
Wisteqn'eemit works to develop a strong organizational structure in order to benefit quality of life for Nez Perce Tribal members and their communities; Tribal sovereignty is respected in all Wisteqn'eemit efforts; Wisteqn'eemit encourages giving and sharing among Tribal members.

Arts &
Wisteqn'eemit supports activities to benefit Tribal arts and tradition, past and present; Tribal arts and culture are respected in all Wisteqn'eemit efforts; Wisteqn'eemit encourages a deep cultural connection among Tribal members.

Nature &
Wisteqn'eemit supports projects to benefit our natural resources; the environment and its abundant resources are respected by Wisteqn'eemit efforts; Wisteqn'eemit encourages a strong sense of place among tribal members.